Face pills

The facial pills are one of the most serious aesthetic problems common and face people at all ages and this problem occurs especially for adolescent people in both sexes and causes them discomfort and anger, and this problem occurs always as a result of infection of the sebaceous glands bacteria and also can be caused by factors Genetic from the parents, and in this article we will show you how to solve this problem and do not have to worry the problem is easy and not difficult but all you have to do is regularise the steps included in this topic.

Causes of the appearance of pills on the face

  • Blocking the pores of the skin and this results from the accumulation of dead skin cells.

  • adolescence, as a result of changes in this age in both sexes.

  • Eat many foods that contain fat.

  • Change in hormones.

  • Use special products carefully to the skin without the permission of the doctor and be used incorrectly.

  • Use some treatments that may lead to the appearance of facial pills.

  • Make-up, this is the result of not removing make-up.

  • Stress and anxiety in the person causing the appearance of pills in the face.

Home recipes to get rid of facial pills

1- English salt

It is used to get rid of bacteria and balance the level of ph in the skin as well as clean and exfoliate the skin.


  • A teaspoon of English salt.
  • Half a glass of water.

How to prepare

  • Add salt to the water and mix well.
  • Using a clean cotton, we put the solution on the grains and leave it for 2 minutes and then wash the face with lukewarm water and then cold water.
  • Repeat once or twice a day.
  • You have to be patient and regular to get good results.

2. Let the openness

Apple cider vinegar is used to get rid of bacteria and control the secretion of skin oils


  • Amount of apple vinegar.
  • A similar amount of water.

How to prepare

  • Mix the apple with water in a good way.
  • Using a clean cotton, place the solution on the grains and leave for 5-7 minutes, then wash the face with cold water.
  • Repeat this recipe daily with regularity to get the best results.
  • A very important note: If the skin is sensitive, mix one amount of apple vinegar with 3 amounts of water.

3- Lemon juice

Lemon juice contains properties that kill the bacteria in the face and works to remove grains from the skin in a final way.


  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice.
  • A teaspoon of water.

How to prepare

  • Mix the water and lemon well.
  • We put the solution on the grain and leave it for at least two hours and then we wash the face.
  • This recipe is repeated twice a week, taking into account regularity for better results.

4- Cucumber juice and yogurt

Used to soften and moisturize the skin, get rid of grains and remove dead skin cells.


  • A teaspoon of cucumber juice.
  • A tablespoon of yogurt.

How to prepare

  • Mix yogurt with cucumber juice for a thick mixture.
  • We put the mixture on the grains and leave to dry completely for 15 minutes and then we wash the face with cold water.

Important tips for grain-free skin

1- Drinking water in large quantities.
2- Wash the face regularly through soap.
3- Put ice cubes on the grains.
4- Eating healthy food and not eating too much fatty foods.
5- Put a small amount of toothpaste on the grains but very carefully.
6- Sleep for 8 hours a day and not stay up for long periods.
7- Moisturize the skin constantly.

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